St. John’s will be holding four study sessions on the topic "Decisions at the End of Life". Using the Study Guide published by the national church, four sessions with be held in February.
The sessions will be lead by Church Council member, Dr. Karl Looper (Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Jewish General Hospital and professor in Psychiatry at McGill).
While each session is a unit in itself, participation in as many sessions as possible will give you the most meaningful experience.
Sessions are Wednesday evenings, with one session on a Saturday (as an alternative for those who can never attend on a Wednesday evening). Sessions are about 1½ to 2 hours in length.
Session Two
Saturday, February 16 at 10 am
A "Good Death"
Session Three
Wednesday, February 20 at 7 pm
Rights and Responsibilities,
Autonomy and Community
Session Four
Wednesday, February 27 at 7 pm
What Values Guide Our Work
as People of Faith?
If you would like to take a look through the Study Guide, you can look at it through the national church website: